
Winter storms and low temperatures can take a toll on the body, making it difficult for people to maintain their health. Fortunately, you can protect yourself from the seasonal illnesses by taking preventative measures. The talented team of primary care doctors at Patient Choice Medical Care in Hamden, CT, are here to share a few important tips to help you stay healthy during the coldest season of the year.

Primary Care Doctor’s 3 Tips to Stay Healthy When Cold Weather Comes

1. Get the Flu Shot

primary care doctorWhile the vaccination doesn’t guarantee complete protection from the flu, it can drastically lower your chances of catching it and decrease the severity of the symptoms. It’s best to schedule the vaccination before flu season begins as it takes a couple of weeks for it to become effective. 

2. Stay Hydrated

One of the most important ways to maintain your health throughout the winter is by staying hydrated. Drinking eight glasses of water a day will keep your body and immune system strong enough to fight off germs and bacteria. Hydration is also essential for preventing dry and flaking skin.

3. Avoid Sick Co-Workers

If you notice a co-worker coughing or sneezing, it’s best to keep your distance until they have made a full recovery. Having direct contact with people who are already sick with the flu, whether its shaking hands or sharing tissues, is an easy way to catch and spread the influenza virus.

Whether you’re sick with the flu or need a routine physical, turn to the leading primary care doctors at Patient Choice Medical Care in Hamden, CT, for top-quality treatment. The medical center offers state-of-the-art treatments and technology to ensure the well-being of their patients. Contact a staff member today at (203) 535-0262 to schedule an appointment or visit their website for more information about their primary care doctors.
