
Each time the weather changes drastically, there’s a risk that your HVAC system might not work in the way it’s supposed to. You don’t want to wait until the temperature drops drastically to find out your furnace doesn’t work, and finding out that your AC is on the fritz in the midst of the summer heat can be just as unpleasant. So if you want to avoid that fate, seasonal HVAC maintenance is a must. Here are some things to have a heating and cooling professional check out regularly.

Seasonal HVAC Maintenance Checklist

1. Replace Air Filters

Checking and replacing air filters is something you can and should do at least every few months. If your filters are dirty or clogged, it can lead to inefficient heating and cooling or even decreased indoor air quality. So make sure to look those over every few months and replace them if necessary.

2. Clean Coils

hvac maintenanceFor your air conditioner, it’s important that you have an air conditioning contractor inspect and clean the coils so that the system runs efficiently. If the AC coils are dirty, it can take longer to cool your home, leading to increased cooling costs.

3. Check Refrigerant Levels

Your AC also needs cooling refrigerant to run properly. If those levels get low, it can damage your air compressor and force your system to work harder than it has to. So it’s important that you have those levels checked regularly.

4. Make Sure Exhaust Outlets Are Working Properly

For the furnace, it’s important that you have exhaust outlets so that carbon monoxide and other gases get released safely and don’t build up indoors. This is an important safety issue, so make sure a professional looks into this every time you get a tuneup.

5. Check Thermostat Settings

Of course, you also need a properly working thermostat if your HVAC system is going to run efficiently. So your HVAC contractor should look over your thermostat and test the settings to make sure it controls your home’s temperature as it should.


A good HVAC contractor like The Furnace Man in Beavercreek, OH, should already know to check all of these areas and more when performing regular HVAC maintenance. The company can help both residential and commercial customers with everything from ductwork to basic heating and cooling repairs. Call (937) 427-4105 or request an estimate online today.
