
The top New Year's resolutions are losing weight and creating an exercise program. In order to succeed in your weight loss journey in 2018, follow a few of these additional tips!

  1. Create smart and specific goals: Goals like “getting fit,” “eating healthy,” and “losing weight” are too broad and ambiguous to be successful. Make sure your goal passes the SMART Goals test, meaning it should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. For example: instead of committing to eat more veggies — a goal that’s vague and tedious to measure — incorporate at least one different vegetable in at least two meals daily.
  2. Hold yourself accountable: If there are no repercussions surrounding your goal, you’re more likely to make excuses, fall behind, or just give up completely. To hold yourself accountable, you have to put yourself in situations that make it difficult to slack off. Ask a friend or family member to check up on you, join a fitness group or share your goal on social media, and set a deadline to achieve it. 
  3. Meal prep: Add this to your weekend routine and invest a few hours to plan and prepare as many of your weekly meals as possible. When you have food ready to go, your less likely to binge-eat something unhealthy.

You can also reach your family doctor at Patient Choice Medical Care for more diet and exercise tips. Call us today to schedule an appointment!
