
Winter makes it hard for many seniors to stay healthy and active. Not being able to get out often can result in poor eating habits and reduced exercising, as well as put them at risk of developing a seasonal affective disorder. If you are an older individual, below are some home health tips to help you maintain your well-being this season.

3 Home Health Tips for Staying Well This Winter

1. Get Vaccinated

home healthWhile a flu shot isn’t a guarantee that you won’t get sick, it will help to reduce the chances of it happening. If you are an adult over the age of 65, you can even ask for a “high dose vaccine” to get even more immune protection and support. However, as it does take the vaccination at least two weeks to become fully active, it’s still important to be cautious about going around people who are sick in the meantime.

2. Stay Warm

Seniors are more susceptible to hypothermia than other age groups. To prevent this from becoming an issue, make it a point to dress in warm, dry clothes. If you think you might get too hot, try dressing in layers, so you can easily add or remove pieces as the day progresses. Also, ask your home health care nurse to stock your cabinets with hot beverage options, like cocoa and tea, to help warm your body if you can’t seem to raise your body temperature.

3. Let Natural Light In

If you have a hard time going places when the temperature outside is frigid, it’s still important to find ways to soak up some sunshine. The Vitamin D from sunlight will help you to stave off the winter blues that commonly happen to seniors. Also, even if it is just for a minute or two, stepping outside or cracking a window to breathe in some fresh air will help to boost your energy levels.


If you have a loved one who could use some extra assistance staying healthy this winter, contact Hiawatha Homecare. Since 1988, they have made it their mission to provide high-quality home health care to seniors in the Red Wing, MN, and surrounding areas, so they can maintain their independence from their own homes. To find out how they can benefit your parent or grandparent, call them at (651) 388-2223. You can also visit the website to learn more about the services available. 
