
When people re-key their house, they enjoy plenty of benefits that range from convenience to security. Although the entire process may seem inconvenient, it’s important to consider whether this is necessary, particularly when your security may be at risk. Here’s a look at a few reasons that may indicate it’s time to re-key your home.

Top 3 Reasons to Re-Key Your House

1. You Just Purchased It

re-keyWhen you purchase a new home, you’ll be given a set of keys. However, you can never truly know how many hands those keys passed through and what was done with them. They may have been duplicated, giving complete strangers access to your new home. Rather than risking any potential intrusions, re-keying the locks allows you to keep your family safe.

2. A Spare Key Was Never Returned

If you lend a spare key to a neighbor, family member, or friend, you should ask them to return it as soon as possible. While trusted individuals aren’t likely to duplicate it without your knowledge, they may accidentally lose the key or allow it to fall into the wrong hands. With potential security risks, you can’t be too safe by changing your locks.

3. The Locks Are Difficult to Open

Just as security is important, so is convenience. When keys and locks become old and worn, the doors may become difficult to open, causing frustration every time you return home. Thankfully, you can fix the issue by simply re-keying the lock and obtaining new keys.


When your home’s security or integrity is at risk, you should re-key the building right away. And the locksmith service experts of Charlotte at AAL Lock & Key Inc., based in Concord, NC, offer more than 20 years of experience in the industry. With a team of fully trained locksmiths, these professionals can help turn any frustrating situation into one that’s simple and stress-free. Give them a call today to learn more about their services at (704) 458-7097. You can also visit the website for more information.