
What do you plan to do with your future? Would you like to retire early, travel the world, or just spend your retirement years relatively free from financial pressure? Taking a few steps will help you get there. No matter what your vision for the future may be, careful retirement planning with the help of a skilled accountant is essential for making it a reality.

Why Planning for Retirement With an Accountant Is Important

1. Other Sources May Not Be Reliable

accountantMany workers depend on employer pensions, which are becoming increasingly rare, and Social Security to provide the bulk of their income after retirement. However, private plans do sometimes fail, as even long-established businesses experience dramatic losses or go out of business. The reliability of Social Security and other government benefits programs shouldn’t be taken for granted, either, as future legislators have ample discretion to make changes, increase taxes, or reduce benefits.

2. Unexpected Expenses Can Arise

Even if you do receive the full pension or benefits you expect, that income may not be enough to cover large, unexpected expenses. A medical emergency, for instance, can be financially devastating, potentially wiping out your cash reserves and permanently disrupting your future. A comprehensive retirement plan should include long-term care insurance and other products to shield you from the unexpected.

3. Diversified Investments Mitigate Risk

Relying on a single account or small pool of investments is incredibly risky, especially in volatile markets. An experienced accountant can help ensure that your money continues working for you, with a diverse range of investments that insulate you from sudden economic shocks and downturns.


Gillette & Associates LLC CPA is full-service accounting firm with 20 years of experience providing financial services to clients in La Crosse, WI. With their expertise and individualized approach, you can rely on their team to give the financial planning insight you need for retirement. For an overview of their services, visit their website now, or call (608) 784-8355 to begin planning your financial future with a knowledgeable accountant today.
