
One role of the plumbing system in your home is to keep your water sanitary and clean while waste is directed safely away and disposed of. While many understand the basics of their system, the issue of backflow may be a mystery to most. To help with this, Waialae Plumbing & Construction, an elite team of plumbers serving Honolulu, HI, has answered the most frequently asked questions regarding the topic.

Backflow Testing FAQ

What Is Backflow?

Backflow is a term used to describe a device that prevents the reversal of the natural flow  in your drinking water system. If the flow becomes reversed, there is a risk of contaminated water mixing with clean water. If this happens, what comes out of your faucet could contain pollution or toxins. Backflow testing helps prevent this from happening and ensures all water in your home is safe to use and consume.

How Often Does My System Need Testing?

A typical plumber will recommend having your home system tested once a year. The Hawaii State Department of Health along with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requires public water systems to be tested at the same rate. This is the best way to catch any problems before they arise.

How Is Backflow Testing Performed?

The process of testing your backflow device is simple and quick. Depending on your device, the process can take between 10 and 30 minutes. A plumber will connect the test kit to the backflow device and turn off the water in your home. The plumber will then observe several gauges to identify whether  or not the backflow device is working correctly. The water is turned back on as the plumber cleans up the area and  a report is generated. 

What If I Fail the Test?

If the test shows that the backflow device failed, a plumber should take action immediately! They would first  decide whether or not the device is repairable by taking it apart and cleaning it internally or replacing the working parts. This is usually referred to as a “re-build”. Sometimes, this alone solves the issue. If  the part assemblies or valve body is  beyond repair, or the device is too old,  a new backflow prevention device may need to be ordered.

Avoid backflow issues in your home by getting a test every year. If you are in need of a plumber, call Waialae Plumbing & Construction. Their experts handle backflow testing, leak detection, water heater repair, and even drain cleaning. Since 1994, they have been serving Honolulu as a reliable and affordable plumbing option. For more information, visit their website or call (808) 735-8595 today.
