
Residential garage doors do more than just serve as an entryway to your home. They can also enhance your home’s curb appeal and offer added protection against the weather, noise pollution, and other external elements. They likewise play a huge role in preventing unwanted and unauthorized entry. Below are some important facts about garage doors.

5 Facts About Residential Garage Doors

1. Increases Home Value

Installing new residential garage doors with galvanized steel hinges and tracks, nylon rollers, and motorized openers can significantly increase a home’s resale value. It can also yield up to 76.9% return on investment based on the 2017 national data for remodeling projects.

2. Provides Energy Savings

You can insulate your garage door to save on energy. Uninsulated garages allow air to escape through gaps and cracks. By installing a garage door with a high R-value, which is the standard used to measure insulation, air leaks can be prevented. This helps bring down cooling and heating costs, leading to significant energy savings.    

3. Customizable

Homeowners residential garage doorscan now add different elements to their garage doors. You can ask the door technician for increased insulation, soundproofing, or weather-stripping. Or, enhance security by installing technological features such as keypads and handle-less doors.

4. Works Without Electricity

When inclement weather hits, power can go out at any time. Fortunately, garage doors can now be equipped with a battery backup system designed to supply a garage door opener with standby power. This means you can still open or close your garage door even when the electricity goes out.

5. Garage Doors Can Be Smart

Forgetting to close your garage door is like inviting trespassers into your home, which can put your safety at risk. Garage doors can now be equipped with in-house monitors that let you know whether it has been closed or left open.  

When it comes to residential garage doors, you can count on Automatic Door Company in Milford and Orange, CT. These experts specialize in garage door installation and repair. They handle all makes and models of wood and steel-insulated garage doors as well as electric garage door openers. Call (203) 795-3577 to schedule your garage door service today or visit their website for more information.
