
Seasonal goodies make the holidays more enjoyable. But if you’re on a diet, you might be concerned about overindulging on treats. Thankfully, there is a way to enjoy your holiday favorites in moderation by practicing tried-and-true weight loss tips. The team at Nebraska Weight Management Institute in Lincoln wants you to enjoy the upcoming festivities while still meeting your goals, and they have a few tips that will help.

A Guide to Holiday Weight Loss Tips

What Are the Best Ways to Navigate Holiday Events?

weight loss tipsThe holidays are a joyous time of year for those who enjoy food and family traditions. It can be hard to turn down Grandma’s double crust pumpkin pie or Mom’s buttery pound cake. To avoid snacking on too many cookies or pies, create your own low-calorie side dish so you’ll have something healthy to eat.

If you don’t bring your own side dish, what you do eat should consist of a balanced meal. Take a look at all the offerings before filling your plate. Fill one-quarter of your plate with lean protein, one-half with vegetables, and a smaller portion of a few favorites. There is no reason to deprive yourself; just eat higher-calorie treats in moderation.

What Are Some Other Approaches to Try?

The most important weight loss tip is to remain hydrated. By filling yourself up with water, you’ll be less tempted to overeat. Never arrive hungry to a holiday party or dinner. Eat a healthy snack or meal at home, and you’ll have less of an appetite. Additionally, if you plan to consume alcohol, choose lower-calorie options such as a small glass of wine, light beer, or hard liquor mixed with club soda. Avoid fruity cocktail drinks that are packed with extra sugar and calories.

Dieting during the holidays is easy as long as you follow smart weight loss tips. For more assistance, contact the professionals at Nebraska Weight Management Institute (402) 483-4770 and discuss a customized program. To learn about their effective OPTIFAST® program, visit them online today.

weight loss tips
