
While gutters are built to last decades, they won’t last forever. Age — along with factors such as weather and fallen limbs — could cause severe damage, and when repairs no longer do the trick, you’ll need a new system altogether. How do you know when it’s time for a gutter replacement? Here are key signs to watch for.

5 Signs You Need a Gutter Replacement

1. Pulling Away

If your gutters are pulling away from the roof, there’s only so much you can do. Usually, this issue requires repeat hammering, climbing up to keep fasteners in place repeatedly. Not only is this a hassle, but it will only work for so long. If repeat repairs aren’t cutting it, your fascia boards could be rotting. Contact your gutter company immediately and see if a replacement is necessary.

2. Peeling Paint

If your gutters are starting to pull away, you might notice water seeping over the edge and onto your siding. As water leaks continue, it results in peeling paint, a sign that’s difficult to go unnoticed. Not only is peeling paint unattractive, but it means that leakage has been happening for awhile, making a gutter replacement the only solution. 

3. Flooding Basements

When water builds up near your foundation, it can easily seep into the basement. Foundational damage is costly, and water leaking off of your gutters can easily leak down to the basement as well, causing even more issues. If you’re already replacing the foundation, your gutters are the logical next step. 

4. Improper Pitch

Sometimes, your gutter system will start pitching off to the sides. Without a steady, proper pitch, water will pool and spill over. This results in leaks and damage to your entire roof and siding, so it’s an issue that requires immediate attention. 

5. Cracks or Holes

gutter replacement-west-salem-wiWhile minor cracks or holes are nothing to fuss about, sections filled with visible cracks are a sign that your system has either been the victim of severe damage or has reached the end of its shelf life. In either situation, nothing more can be done, and replacement is the most sensible option.


West Salem, WI’s Advanced Seamless offers gutter installation, maintenance, and repair throughout the area, creating an appealing, problem-free feature. With state-of-the-art technology, you can expect a structure that lasts, available in an array of colors and styles. Visit the website for more information, or call (608) 786-2929 to request your free quote today!
