
Backflow prevention systems do precisely what their name suggests: They protect your water source against backflow, which could cause it to become contaminated with harmful chemicals and bacteria. GMW Fire Protection in Anchorage, AK, has been helping locals maintain safe drinking water for more than 15 years, which is why they’re here to explain the crucial role these systems play in preserving the safety of your home or business.

In order to consistently deliver clean water to your home, your water supply system must maintain a steady level of pressure. When an issue like a water main burst or frozen pipe occurs, however, it can lead to reduced pressure in water pipes. As a result, water from storage, soil, or another potentially contaminated source can flow into your system, resulting in what’s known as backflow.

backflow prevention systemBackflow can only occur at the spot where a potable water system is connected to a non-potable water system. This is referred to as a cross connection, and is often found in dishwashers, fire sprinkler systems, and washing machines. However, backflow prevention systems can be installed to prevent non-potable water from intermingling with your drinking water. One such solution is an air gap, which enforces a space between pipes carrying pure and potentially contaminated water.

Avoiding backflow is essential to keeping your family members or employees safe, as contaminated water carries serious health hazards. According to the EPA, backflow can allow water contaminated with microbes and chemicals to enter your home or business, which can lead to serious illnesses. Pathogens like giardia and E. coli can even enter your drinking water, thereby causing potentially life-threatening conditions. Thus, having a backflow prevention system is imperative to maintaining the safety of your water source in your home or business and keeping its inhabitants healthy.

If you’re in the market for a backflow prevention system, GMW Fire Protection can help. To learn more about how their trusted services can preserve the water source in your home or business, call (907) 336-5000 or send their team a message online.
