
Under New Mexico law, pedestrians are given a wide berth when it comes to who has the legal right of way. This is understandable when you consider the fact that drivers are protected by heavy, strong vehicles and pedestrians have no protection whatsoever. As a result, pedestrian accidents can be extremely serious. To better understand pedestrian’s right-of-way laws in this area, check out the three facts below.

3 Things to Know About New Mexico's Right-of-Way Laws

1. You Are Required by Law to Yield to Pedestrians at a Crosswalk

pedestrian accidentsA driver must yield to all pedestrians at a crosswalk, regardless of if there is a crosswalk light. Even a pedestrian who crosses illegally against the light or does not defer to your rightful right-of-way must be allowed to pass. In many cases, if you hit someone at a crosswalk, and they sue you, you will be found legally liable for the pedestrian accident—even if the pedestrian was the one violating the law.

2. You Must Check Carefully & Yield to Pedestrians at All Alleys, Driveways, & Parking Lots

Again, the pedestrian's rights are primary here. Whenever you are driving down an alley, pulling out of a driveway, or searching for a parking spot in a lot, keep your eyes peeled. Pedestrians are more common in these areas, and you legally have to yield to them.

3. A Blind Person Always Has the Right of Way

Blind or vision-impaired people always have the right of way. To avoid pedestrian accidents, look for signs that the person is disabled, such as a walking cane or guide dog. Even if the individual is not crossing at the appropriate place, they must always be yielded to as a matter of safety and respect.


In essence, pedestrians in New Mexico will always have the right of way. If you've been involved in a pedestrian accident, turn to Balderrama Law Firm LLC for top-quality representation. With offices in Carlsbad and Albuquerque, NM, they will fight for your rights and ensure the full protection of the law is on your side. Call (575) 234-1111, visit them online, or follow them on Google+ to schedule a consultation today.
