
Trees are beautiful and beneficial, providing shade and clean air. Like all living things, trees are susceptible to damage and death and require proper upkeep to sustain. To help you better understand your environment, the arborists at Nelson Tree Co. in Irwin, PA, discuss some common causes of death.

Arborists Explain Common Causes of Tree Death

  • Hostile Environment: The environment impacts the health of its surrounding vegetation. Extreme drought, poor quality soil, water, and air pollution all adversely affect a tree’s ability to grow and thrive. When planting, it’s important to consider the species and how it will naturally respond to the environment around it. For instance, tropical varieties are much more reliant on water than Northern options.
  • Disease & Bugs: Without proper tree care, certain diseases can damage and eventually kill trees. Common, slow-progressing examples include oak wilt and Armillaria root rot, which enter the tree through leaves, bark wounds, and roots to destroy a tree’s vascular system. Insects, including gypsy moths and pine beetles, are also a big problem, attacking the leaves and bark, and spreading disease from tree to tree.
  • arboristNatural Disasters: Tornadoes, floods, ice storms and forest fires can kill trees instantly, or inflict irrecoverable damage. Catastrophic events can occur in both large, forested areas as well as in your own backyard. Sometimes fires are caused by accidents, though often they result from extreme drought.

While there’s nothing you could do to prevent a natural disaster, there are measures you can take to prolong the health and life of the surrounding trees. If you see a tree in need of care, call an arborist at Nelson Tree Company to minimize the damage as quickly as possible. They’ve been providing efficient tree services since 1987, using state-of-the-art equipment for tree removal and storm damage cleanup. For more information on tree care, removal, or trimming, call the experts at (724) 863-7682 or visit their website for a full list of services.
