
It’s normal to experience swelling after a plastic surgery procedure. Even non-surgical cosmetic procedures, such as injectable liquid lifts, can leave slight residual swelling. However, while there is no cause to worry, there are a few things you can do to manage the swelling, ease discomfort, and speed along recovery.

Below are 3 things you can do to mitigate puffiness after your plastic surgery:

1. Maintain a Healthy Diet

Pineapples, capers, red onions, and apples contain natural anti-inflammatory substances in their skin called bromelain and quercetin. Though available in supplement form, physicians recommend eating these fruits and plants in their natural state to decrease bruising and swelling. If you have difficulty chewing after certain procedures, such as rhinoplasty, facelift, or facial fat grafting, blend these ingredients to make a healthy smoothie. Also, drink plenty of water to keep your cells hydrated. Avoid processed foods and excessive salt, as sodium is dehydrating.

2. R.I.C.E.

R.I.C.E. is a pneumonic term in health care that stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation:

  • plastic-surgeryRest: In the first week or two after surgery, doctors recommend taking it easy. Most cases won’t require bed rest for the full duration, but simply refraining from exercise and heavy activity.
  • Ice: Apply ice to the affected area to reduce swelling and bruising. It will also soothe pain from a brow lift and eyelid surgery.
  • Compression: The methods and necessary length of compression vary. Consult with your doctor about what you need, as the wrong technique can damage the surgical site.
  • Elevation: The idea is to use gravity to reduce swelling by keeping excessive blood flow away from the surgical site. To supplement this, your doctor will likely prescribe an anti-inflammatory medication post-operatively as well.

3. Manage Other Health Issues

Let your plastic surgeon know about all the medications you’re taking and any pre-existing conditions you might have. If they need to prescribe an anti-inflammatory or anticoagulant medication, you don’t want the two to conflict. Also, swelling can be secondary to other health issues such as allergies or thyroid conditions, so discussing this with your doctor will ensure proper treatment.


If you’ve been injured or are interested in making cosmetic changes, the friendly physicians at Mao Facial Plastic Surgery can help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Triple board-certified, Dr. Mao specializes in laser and facial reconstructive and plastic surgery, as well as otolaryngology and laser procedures. To schedule a consultation, call (203) 907-0501. For more information about the services they provide, visit the website and facebook page for more information.

